Where are you Lord? 3

“Help, I’m sinking!”  Have you ever felt like that?  Peter did.  He is with his friends in their fishing boat when a storm blows across the lake.  They see someone coming towards them in the darkness and think it is a ghost.
As soon as Peter realizes who it is, he calls out.  “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.”  At that moment Peter isn’t being logical.  He is led by his heart.  Why didn’t Jesus say, “Just wait, I’m coming to you?”  I believe Jesus is delighted when we want to come to him.
There is a valuable lesson we can learn about faith here.  Faith may seem foolish and irrational, but true faith is based on a word from Jesus.  Peter says, “if you tell me.”  Jesus replies, “Come.” 
So Peter steps over the side of the boat and begins walking toward Jesus on the water.  If Jesus says it, you can believe it!
Suddenly as Peter is walking, a strong gust of wind blows.  He remembers where he is. He forgets what Jesus has said.  Fear seizes his heart and he begins to sink.  The Gospel of Matthew tells us that Peter sank when he saw the wind.  Are you surrounded by circumstances that seem overwhelming?  It is easy to rationalize  with our minds and allow fear to fill our hearts.  We forget what the Lord has said.  We take our eyes off Jesus and then we sink.
Peter was desperate.  He knew he couldn’t walk on water. So he cries out, “Lord, save me!”  Jesus reaches out and lifts him up.  Do you feel as if you are sinking too?  Then do what Peter did.  In the same way, Jesus will reach out his hand to you.  This is what it promises in Psalm 37:24.  “Though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”