Sometimes we don’t recognize Jesus when he comes! Perhaps you have been in a difficult situation and cried out for help, but the way God answers is not what you expected.
That is what happened to the disciples in Matthew 14. They are rowing across the lake after a marvelous time with Jesus on the mountain. In fact Jesus had told them to go! Now though, it is dark, a strong wind is blowing and they are battling the waves.
Suddenly they see someone, something, moving across the water. They are terrified. Was it a ghost? They didn’t realize it was Jesus. Instead fear filled their hearts. Fear blocks us from seeing clearly. It paralyzes us. And it cancels out faith.
Jesus had never come to the disciples in this way before. They had seen him still the storm while he was in the boat with them, but he had never come walking across the water, under the cover of darkness.
God doesn’t necessarily do things the way we expect. So often he chooses the unexpected! Let’s not allow fear to prevent us from seeing him and recognizing his presence.
Don’t you love the words Jesus spoke that day? “Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Those are the words he still speaks to us today. Perhaps you have a family problem, or a difficulty at work, or you are struggling in your personal life. Jesus sees your situation, just as he did the disciples. He hears your prayer. The way he comes may not be the same as he has before. Don’t allow fear to blind you. He says, “Take courage. It is I.”