Bible Reading: John 6:1-15
(A series on the Gospel of John – 13)
Most of us don’t enjoy tests or exams, do we? However tests can be useful to see how much we know. On the other hand though, tests also reveal what we don’t know! In our walk with Jesus, he may allow us to face tests. We see this in the story of the feeding of the 5000.
Jesus was on a hilly slope, overlooking the Sea of Galilee, with his disciples. They have gone there to be alone, but crowds soon gather. Jesus teaches and heals those who are sick. It’s a long day! The disciples suggest that Jesus sends the people away so they can buy food for themselves. However Jesus turns this around and asks, “where shall we buy food for these people to eat?”
Doesn’t Jesus know how much it would cost to feed so many people? Of course he does. This situation is a test to see how much they understood. Philip responds just like many of us would. He is practical and rational. More than 8 months wages would be needed to feed all these people. Even then, he surmises, they would only get a bite to eat! When faced with challenges, our logical mind takes control.
However Jesus gives them a hint, by asking how many loaves they have. He longs for them to realize who he is and what he can do, if only they ask. Maybe Andrew has a flicker of faith when he tells Jesus there is a boy with five loaves and two fish. But the loaves and fish are very small, so he concludes that it wouldn’t go far among so many.
In our lives we face situations that seem impossible. Sometimes God allows us to face these challenges, as opportunities for our faith to grow. Sadly the disciples didn’t understand what Jesus could do, or what they could do if they trusted him. Yet Jesus didn’t give up on them. Isn’t that good news? We often struggle with our own reasoning and mess up opportunities God gives us to see his power at work, but he doesn’t give up on us.
Next time you face a challenge, remember this story. We may not have the resources to meet the need, but God does. When the disciples followed Jesus’ instructions, everyone was fed, not only with a little, but more than enough. And there were leftovers! Let’s respond to those tests, by trusting God and seeing what he can do, in and through our lives, for his glory.