Bible Reading: John 7:37-53
(A series on the Gospel of John – 19)
Everyone enjoys a cold drink on a hot day! Our bodies crave and need fluids. There are times though, when we don’t realise our need, and become dehydrated, simply because we don’t drink enough. This can have serious consequences.
Don’t you think that perhaps Christians can become like this? We have experienced the living water Jesus offers, but we have become dehydrated spiritually. In the passage we are looking at today, Jesus gives us an invitation. It isn’t just a one time offer. No, this offer is an open invitation. “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink,” said Jesus. Whether we are aware of our thirst or not, we all desperately need to keep drinking of that living water. We only have to come.
Jesus gives us the key that releases the flow of that living water, the Holy Spirit, within us, and it is to believe. When we come to him, believing, we will receive. Not only that, there is an overflow. Rivers of living water will flow from within us, Jesus promised.
This river, the Holy Spirit, releases his peace and joy in our hearts, and so, wherever we go we bring the blessing of God to those around us.
What has been flowing out of your life this past week? Is it anxiety, frustration or discouragement? It is time to come to Jesus again, and to drink. The invitation is always open.