Bible Reading: John 5:16-47
(A series on the Gospel of John – 12)
Do you prefer praise from others, or do you make an effort to obtain praise from God? This is a question Jesus asks the Jews in his day, and one he still asks today. How would you answer it?
A man who has been paralyzed for 38 years is healed by Jesus. And Jesus heals him on the Sabbath Day! This was outrageous to the Jews, breaking their man made laws. Did Jesus try to stir up trouble deliberately? Sometimes it seems that way when a person doesn’t follow the norms of society. Let’s look however, at the way Jesus answers their accusations.
Most people live for the approval of others, and so did Jesus! The only one he sought approval from though, was his Father. Jesus responded to their criticism by saying that just as his Father is working, so is he. More than that, Jesus only did what he sees his Father doing, and the Father shows him, because he loves his Son.
Are you a son or daughter of God? Anyone who responds to Jesus and believes he was sent by God is a son or daughter and has crossed over from death to life. So if you are a son, then you are loved by the Father too. The Father wants to show you what he has prepared for you to do. Ask him! Let’s make every effort to obtain his praise.