In 1 Peter we are described as ‘living stones’ who are being built into a spiritual house. What kind of stone are you? Let’s look at the process that is used to polish a stone as there are important lessons we can learn. First of all a hammer is used to knock off pieces of debris and dirt. It says in Jeremiah 23:29, “Is not my Word like a hammer – that breaks a rock into pieces?”
Are there things clinging to our lives that prevent God’s glory from shining through us? It could be bad habits and behaviour, or even a relationship that is not right. As God points out areas in your life, surrender to him and allow him to change you.
In the time of Jeremiah hammers were used to fashion idols. However God is saying his Word is like a hammer, and as we allow his Word to work in our hearts, he will fashion us to become more and more like Jesus.