At times we may feel insignificant! Unknown! In our last devotion we looked at a woman known only as ‘the Shunammite’, yet her story of faith recorded in 2 Kings 4, is remarkable.
This woman had welcomed the prophet Elisha into her home, and by doing so she had welcomed the Lord. One day Elisha asked her, “What can be done for you? You have done all this for us.”
Some would see this as an opportunity to ask for favour, however the woman’s reply revealed her heart.
In essence she was saying, “I have everything I need. I am content with what I have.” She hadn’t provided a place for Elisha to stay so she could get anything in return. What a beautiful attitude.
Are you content with what you have? Contentment is not determined by what you have, or don’t have, it is an attitude of the heart. The Apostle Paul could say, “Whatever state I am in, I am content.”
However Elisha still wanted to see her blessed, and so asked his servant, Gehazi, “What can be done for her?” “Well,” he said, “She has no son and her husband is old.” This meant she would have no-one to care for her when her husband passed away.
So Elisha called the Shunammite woman and prophesied, “About this time next year you will hold a son in your arms.” These words were undoubtedly familiar. This was what God had promised Sarah many years earlier. How was it possible that she too could experience such a miracle? Who was she compared to Sarah, the mother of the Jewish race?
God responds to the one who welcomes Him, to the one who serves Him out of a pure heart. In fact Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” And this woman was about to see God work in her life and situation. You can too, as no-one is unknown to the Lord. He is looking for those who welcome Him and keep their hearts right.