Understanding the Ten Commandments Ministry Website Banner
The Old Testament begins with the books written by Moses, from Genesis to Deuteronomy.  These 5 books are known as the ‘Book of Moses’ or ‘The Law’. They begin with creation, then the birth of Israel, and show how God established a covenant with his people, through Moses.
Parchment Website Banner
‘Rules to Live By’ is a series based on the Ten Commandments that were given by God to Moses. Some think these are no longer relevant to our lives today,  however we will discover that not only are they still important, but Jesus reveals they have a deeper meaning.   Notes for group members are in italics.
2. Put God First  (First Commandment)
3. Have no Idols  (Second Commandment)
7. Do Not Murder  (Sixth Commandment)
9. Do Not Steal  (Eighth Commandment)
11. Do Not Covet  (Tenth Commanment)