Isolated yet not Alone

Self isolate!  Right now this is the catch word here in New Zealand and many other countries around the world.  If we keep apart, the virus COVID-19 can’t spread, and so governments are asking their people to stay at home.
This is the first time in modern history we have seen such radical steps taken.  However it is not a new idea!  More than 3000 years ago God instructed his people to self isolate when they had contagious infections and diseases.  Usually the isolation was for a period of 7 days, followed by a further 7 if they were well.  If however, they were not well, they had to live outside the camp on their own.  Isn’t the Bible amazing?  God knew about these things long before we did. 
How does Jesus respond to those who are isolated and cut off from society?  One day a man like this, with an infectious disease, comes to Jesus, falls to his knees and begs to be made clean.  Jesus isn’t afraid, nor does he turn the man away.  Rather he is filled with compassion and reaches out, touching the man.
Jesus knows what the law requires, and honors those laws.  “Go and show yourself to the priest .. as a testimony to them,” he tells the man.  Not only does Jesus heal this man’s body, but he restores his relationship with his family and friends.
In many places today people are desperately ill with this infectious virus.  Let’s pray they too will encounter Jesus, experiencing his presence and healing power.  You may not be sick, but are in self isolation, feeling vulnerable and alone.  Remember the promise our Heavenly Father has made:  “I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.  The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.”  You may be isolated but you are not alone.