Don’t Be Troubled

Trouble seems to be all around us!  Covid-19 has had a devastating impact in many countries, affecting people’s lives in countless ways.  
Just before Jesus was arrested, he spoke some astounding words to his disciples:  “Do not let your hearts be troubled”. Then he repeated the same words, adding, “And do not be afraid.”  
When facing danger, death and pain, how is it possible not be to troubled or afraid?  Jesus tells us.  He goes on to give some wonderful promises to his disciples, promises that are for us too.  These are all found in John chapters 14 to 16.  First of all, was the promise that one day Jesus would return for those who belong to him, so we can live with him forever in his Father’s House.  When we know Jesus Christ, our future is sure.  We do not need to fear!
What about now, though?  Jesus promised that he would not leave those who followed him like orphans, who had no-one to provide for them, protect them, or be close to them.  “We (the Father and Son) will come to him and make our home in him.”  This means we have his joy and his peace in us, even in times of trouble.  Yes, that is exactly what Jesus said.  We will have his joy and his peace, since he lives in us.
The key, Jesus revealed, is we remain or abide in him, even as he promised to remain in us.  This means living out of our spirit being, rather than our minds and emotions.  Other people’s words and actions can so easily affect us though.  Our minds become preoccupied with what we have heard, or what happened.  Before long the joy and peace of Jesus has dimmed.
So stay connected!  Remain in Jesus, and when we do our lives will be fruitful.  That’s another promise in these chapters.  Jesus knew the disciples would face trouble, and he knows we will too, so his closing words are for us today:  “In this world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”  Yes, there is trouble all around us, but Jesus is with us.  Don’t be afraid.