Light in Dark Places

Bible Reading:  John 8:1-12
(A series on the Gospel of John – 20)
Have you turned on a light at night and heard cockroaches scurrying for cover?  Light exposes things that hide in dark places.
One day some religious leaders drag a woman to Jesus, who they had caught having an affair.  They aren’t concerned about the woman at all, or even what she has done.  No, their intention is to trap and discredit Jesus.
However Jesus doesn’t answer their question, instead he bends down and writes on the ground with his finger.  We aren’t sure what he wrote, but perhaps it is what he says:  “If anyone has no sinful desires, then he can be the first one to throw a stone.”  Jesus then writes again.  Maybe this time he makes a list of sinful desires.

Stay Hydrated!

Bible Reading:  John 7:37-53
(A series on the Gospel of John – 19)
Everyone enjoys a cold drink on a hot day!  Our bodies crave and need fluids.  There are times though, when we don’t realise our need, and become dehydrated, simply because we don’t drink enough.  This can have serious consequences.
Don’t you think that perhaps Christians can become like this?  We have experienced the living water Jesus offers, but we have become dehydrated spiritually.  In the passage we are looking at today, Jesus gives us an invitation.  It isn’t just a one time offer.  No, this offer is an open invitation.  “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink,” said Jesus.  Whether we are aware of our thirst or not, we all desperately need to keep drinking of that living water.  We only have to come.

A Right Perspective

Bible Reading: John 7:15-36
(A series on the Gospel of John – 18)
Not everything is black or white!  Have you faced a situation where you don’t know what is the right thing to do?  As a Christian you search the Bible for answers, but the verses you find seem to give answers that are conflicting.
Jesus stirred up quite a controversy when he healed on the Sabbath day.  The Law of Moses said to keep the Sabbath day holy.  Why was Jesus healing on the Sabbath?  They declared that this was work!
However Jesus points out that they also worked on the Sabbath.  A boy was circumcised when he was eight days old, and if that day fell on the Sabbath, they would still do the circumcision.  Here is one of those situations where it appears there are two conflicting laws. Read more…

The Right Time

Bible Reading:  John 7:1-14
(A series on the Gospel of John – 17)
“He was in the right place at the right time.”  Have you heard that expression?  Some would say it is a co-incidence, but as believers we recognize God is at work.
Although Jesus has healed many who were sick, and done so much good, he is facing increasing opposition.  Some are offended with his teaching, while others hate him because he exposes their hypocrisy.
It is now time to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles and everyone is making their way to Jerusalem, including Jesus’ brothers.  They urge him to go, saying he should promote himself there.  Most people do things when they want to, or feel like it.  However there is a right time, and only God knows when that time is, as he sees the end from the beginning. Jesus understood that.  He replies to his brothers, “for you anytime is right, but for me the right time has not come.”


Bible Reading:  John 6:60-71
(A series on the Gospel of John – 16)
Questions?  Children ask them all the time.  Most adults have them too.  Some things we read in our Bibles don’t make sense, and there are things that happen in our lives we don’t understand.  Why did that happen, we ask, or what does this mean?
Jesus is teaching in Capernaum.  No doubt most of those listening had eaten the bread and fish that had been multiplied. When Jesus said he is the Bread of Life though, they didn’t understand.  What did he mean?  They are offended with his teaching.

Miracles and More

Bible Reading:  John 6:25-59
(A series on the Gospel of John – 15)
If people saw a miracle they would believe!  Do you sometimes think that?  Miracles are described as sign posts, pointing people to Jesus, so they will come to know who he is.  When Jesus healed the Royal Official’s son, he believed, and so did his entire family.  Sadly, not everyone responds in this way.
It is the day after 5000 people have been fed on the slopes of the Sea of Galilee.  These people had seen many miracles take place, so they are looking for Jesus again.  When exciting things are taking place, crowds quickly gather.  Jesus, however, sees beyond the outward and looks at the heart.

The Unexpected

Bible Reading:  John 6:16-24
(A series on the Gospel of John – 14)
Things can change suddenly.  Have you been enjoying a time when life is going well, and you are seeing good things happen, then everything changes?  This happened to the disciples.
What a day it had been!  Crowds had gathered on a mountainside, overlooking the lake.  Not only had Jesus healed many, but the disciples had seen an incredible miracle.  More than 5000 people had been fed, from just 5 loaves and 2 fish, and they had helped.  Yet within hours, they were in the midst of a storm.

Tests bring Growth

Bible Reading:  John 6:1-15
(A series on the Gospel of John – 13)
Most of us don’t enjoy tests or exams, do we?  However tests can be useful to see how much we know. On the other hand though, tests also reveal what we don’t know!  In our walk with Jesus, he may allow us to face tests.  We see this in the story of the feeding of the 5000.
Jesus was on a hilly slope, overlooking the Sea of Galilee, with his disciples.  They have gone there to be alone, but crowds soon gather. Jesus teaches and heals those who are sick.  It’s a long day!  The disciples suggest that Jesus sends the people away so they can buy food for themselves. However Jesus turns this around and asks, “where shall we buy food for these people to eat?” 

Praise from God

Bible Reading:  John 5:16-47
(A series on the Gospel of John – 12)
Do you prefer praise from others, or do you make an effort to obtain praise from God?  This is a question Jesus asks the Jews in his day, and one he still asks today.  How would you answer it?
A man who has been paralyzed for 38 years is healed by Jesus. And Jesus heals him on the Sabbath Day! This was outrageous to the Jews, breaking their man made laws. Did Jesus try to stir up trouble deliberately? Sometimes it seems that way when a person doesn’t follow the norms of society. Let’s look however, at the way Jesus answers their accusations.

Place of mercy

Bible Reading:  John 5:1-15
(A series on the Gospel of John – 11)
Have you ever felt alone?  You are struggling with an issue and it seems there is no one who wants to help you?  Probably we have all felt like that at times, but there are many around us who are desperate right now. They are like the needy people who were lying beside the Pool of Bethesda in the time of Jesus.
This pool is in Jerusalem near the temple.  At times an angel stirred the water, and it was believed that the first person into the water, would be healed.  When there is a promise of healing, people gather.  So the blind, lame and paralyzed came to this place, and among them is a paralyzed man.  For 38 years he has come to this place.