Posted on Sep 27, 2021 in Devotions |
Trouble seems to be all around us! Covid-19 has had a devastating impact in many countries, affecting people’s lives in countless ways.
Just before Jesus was arrested, he spoke some astounding words to his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled”. Then he repeated the same words, adding, “And do not be afraid.”
When facing danger, death and pain, how is it possible not be to troubled or afraid? Jesus tells us. He goes on to give some wonderful promises to his disciples, promises that are for us too. These are all found in John chapters 14 to 16. First of all, was the promise that one day Jesus would return for those who belong to him, so we can live with him forever in his Father’s House. When we know Jesus Christ, our future is sure. We do not need to fear!
Posted on May 6, 2020 in Devotions |
Many are counting the days till lock down is over. Countries have closed borders and put restrictions in place, but we all look forward to returning to ‘normal’. COVID-19 has affected everyone.
In Leviticus there is a verse that speaks about counting the days. God told his people to count 49 days, or 7 weeks from Passover, until the next special day. That day was called the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost as we know it.
After eating the Passover lamb, the Israelites left Egypt with their families, animals and possessions. Exactly 7 weeks later they stood at the foot of Mount Sinai. God had wonderfully delivered them, but there was more. When Moses had confronted Pharaoh, he said repeatedly, “The Lord has sent me to say to you: Let my people go, so they may worship me.” This was God’s ultimate purpose, to set his people free from slavery, so they could come into an intimate relationship with him – a covenant relationship.
Posted on Apr 22, 2020 in Devotions |
All over the world children enjoy playing hide and seek. Our three year old granddaughter is no exception! As we count to ten, she rushes off to find a secret place to hide. The bulge in the curtain gives her away immediately, but we pretend not to notice.
There is a secret place where we can hide too. It’s a place where we are safe from the arrows of the enemy, and a place of protection when trouble comes. This place is described in Psalm 91 as being in the ‘shadow of the Almighty’, or being ‘under his wings’.
What does this mean? Let’s look at two beautiful pictures in the Word of God that illustrate the meaning of these phrases. The first is of a mother bird sitting on her newly born chicks. As the baby birds huddle under the wings of their mother, they are not afraid. In this place they are safe and sound, and everything they need is provided for.
Posted on Apr 13, 2020 in Devotions |
Pandemics are not new. They have taken the lives of many in recent history, as well as in Bible times. One such pandemic or plague broke out when the Israelites were in the wilderness.
There is speculation today, as to how and why COVID-19 began, but there was no doubt why this plague began in the days of Moses. The people were grumbling about Moses and Aaron, and gathering to oppose them. It was more serious than that though, as their rebellion was against God.
As this plague spread and people died, Moses told Aaron to take a censer and fill it with burning incense from the altar. He wasted no time! Aaron ran among the people, waving the incense, pleading for mercy and making atonement for them.
Wait a moment! Weren’t these the same people who had been complaining against them? Yet Moses and Aaron were the ones who cried out to God for mercy. Perhaps we have been criticised for our actions as believers, or spoken against, but this is the time when God wants to use us.
Posted on Apr 9, 2020 in Devotions |
One night many years ago, the Israelites had locked themselves in their homes. A plague was spreading across the country, a plague that brought death. Isn’t that what is happening in the world today, as we face lockdown and COVID-19?
Although there was death and destruction all around, God had a plan! “Take a lamb,” he told them, “and take some of the blood.” The blood was then to be put on the doorframes of their homes, and the lamb roasted and eaten with unleavened bread. If they did this, God promised he would ‘pass over’ them.
Did they remember how God had provided Abraham with a ram? We don’t know, but they did exactly what God told them. These events didn’t only point back to a significant time in their history, they pointed forward. Another lamb, whose blood would be shed, would be given as a sacrifice. That one was Jesus.
The coronavirus can sometimes be deadly, but there is something that is far more deadly, and that is sin. No-one can recover from sin. The consequences according to God’s word is always death.
Posted on Apr 1, 2020 in Devotions |
The borders of many countries have closed, with their citizens in lock down, as a result of COVID-19 that is spreading across the globe.
Perhaps we can now understand how Noah must have felt, locked up in the ark! During that time it rained for 40 days and nights, but Noah and his family were in the ark far longer than that. It took many days for the flood waters to recede before they could venture out onto dry ground. They were in the ark for about 364 days. A whole year!
The meaning of Noah’s name is significant, as are many Biblical names. His name means ‘rest’. On the day Noah’s family entered the ark, the floodgates of heaven opened, and so did the springs in the ground. It must have been a wild ride, yet inside the ark the family was safe and at rest.
In the midst of these uncertain times God is calling us to enter his rest. “Come to me,” Jesus says, “all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Posted on Mar 26, 2020 in Devotions |
Self isolate! Right now this is the catch word here in New Zealand and many other countries around the world. If we keep apart, the virus COVID-19 can’t spread, and so governments are asking their people to stay at home.
This is the first time in modern history we have seen such radical steps taken. However it is not a new idea! More than 3000 years ago God instructed his people to self isolate when they had contagious infections and diseases. Usually the isolation was for a period of 7 days, followed by a further 7 if they were well. If however, they were not well, they had to live outside the camp on their own. Isn’t the Bible amazing? God knew about these things long before we did.
How does Jesus respond to those who are isolated and cut off from society? One day a man like this, with an infectious disease, comes to Jesus, falls to his knees and begs to be made clean. Jesus isn’t afraid, nor does he turn the man away. Rather he is filled with compassion and reaches out, touching the man.
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Posted on Mar 18, 2020 in Devotions |
Bible Reading: John 9:1-15
(A series on the Gospel of John – 23)
Some people experience struggles from the moment they are born, while others face rejection and abuse during their childhood. What has happened in our past though, doesn’t need to define our future.
Consider this man in our story from John 9. He was blind from birth and the only way he could survive is by begging from others. And as if life was not painful enough, those around him say his suffering is caused by his own sin. The future is dark, but then he meets Jesus.
A glimmer of hope rises in the blind man’s heart, as he hears Jesus answering the disciples question. “It isn’t because of his sin,” Jesus says, “but God wants to showcase his glory in this man’s life.” Could this also be true in our lives? It certainly can! Whatever has happened in our past, things we maybe had no control over, God can turn around and use them for good.
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Posted on Mar 9, 2020 in Devotions |
Bible Reading: John 8:37-59
(A series on the Gospel of John – 22)
Are you a child of God? We are all created in God’s image, yet not all belong to him. Many claimed God was their father in the time when Jesus walked on earth, but he disagreed with them.
In fact Jesus’ words were rather strong! “You belong to your father the devil,” he told those who refused to believe in him. Their hearts were far from God. Rather than wanting to carry out God’s desires, they were fulfilling those of the devil.
So, how do we know who belongs to God? It is those who believe he came from God, according to Jesus. Then Jesus goes on to describe three characteristics of those who believe in him.
Posted on Mar 2, 2020 in Devotions |
Bible Reading: John 8:13-36
(A series on the Gospel of John – 21)
Everyone longs for freedom! Refugees cross oceans and climb mountains, risking their lives, so they can live in safety and freedom. However, true freedom, is not based on our surroundings, but rather on what is in our hearts.
A person can live in a peaceful place, but have no peace in their hearts. If you struggle with guilt, or are overcome with anxiety and fear, or have issues with anger and bitterness, you are not truly free. In fact Jesus says we are really slaves to these negative and sinful thoughts.
No-one wants to be a slave. A slave is trapped, under the control of some-one else, and has no freedom. We are not called to lives like that, but to live as sons and daughters of God. The only one who can set us free is Jesus.