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Go for Gold! – 2


Focus is important!  That is certainly true in sports.  Many of us watched the recent Olympic Games and saw how the athletes prepared for their event.  They would forget the crowds, the other competitors and focus.  Why?  So that nothing would distract them and they could do their best for their country, and above all, win the gold.
Jesus had a focus, and that was to do the will of his Father. 


Go for Gold! – 1


The Olympic Games 2016 have just taken place in Brazil.  Every sportsman was there to compete for his country, with the goal of winning a medal, and above all, the gold medal.  No doubt the Apostle Paul was familiar with these games, as they were already taking place in Olympia in Greece at that time.  He uses the imagery of the games in his letters.  On one occasion he described the Christian life as a race. 


Polished Stones – 5

There are many stages in the preparation of a precious stone, and different instruments are used.  We have looked at the hammer, the saw and the tumbler.  A grinder may also be used to polish the stone, and then finally it is rubbed with a cloth until it has a mirror-like finish.