You are Treasured – 3
Is it really worthwhile serving God? This question, asked by God’s people in the time of Malachi, is still asked today. The prophet urges us not to only look at our present situation, but to see the future. God is in control and He has planned good things for His children, but we need to trust Him, even when trials come.
You are Treasured – 2
Do you sometimes wonder if it is worthwhile serving God? The people in the time of Malachi the prophet did. Look at what they said:
“You have said, ‘It is futile to serve God. What do we gain by carrying out His requirements. But now we call the arrogant blessed.
You are Treasured – 1
Often we sing about how precious the Lord is to us, but he wants you to know that you are precious to him!
In Old Testament times the High Priest wore a breastplate with four rows of precious stones on it. Each stone represented one of the 12 tribes of Israel, and these were carried over his heart, so he could bring them before God.