A Strong Foundation
This series is for those who have just come to know Jesus and to help build a strong foundation in their Christian life. There are 4 blocks of teaching, or 29 studies in all.
The purpose of this series of 10 studies is to give the new believer understanding of what Jesus has done in their life, and help them know how to grow in their new relationship with Him, through prayer, reading the Word, fellowship and witnessing. 
‘Leaving the Past’ helps the new believer know how to overcome the past and live this wonderful new life that God has given us.  It includes dealing with past issues and how to receive healing in these areas.  Teaching on water baptism follows, and how to overcome temptation and opposition from the enemy. 
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‘Knowing God’ is a series designed to help the new believer know who God is.  These truths help build a strong foundation in a world where there are so many false cults and religions and many of the important fundamental truths are questioned.  They are presented in a practical way that relates to daily life.
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This set of 9 studies called ‘Growing Up’, follows on from the above three series and covers some important topics; like the Lordship of Christ and how to know God’s will, relationships with others, and many other practical issues that a new believer will experience.