This is a series of five short studies on Personal Evangelism. As believers we long for those close to us to know Jesus too. These studies teach us how to pray for them, their need for Christ and what to share with them. We also learn that it is the fear of the Lord and the love of Christ that motivates us.
The Bible says, ‘Without faith it is impossible to please God.’ Obviously faith is important to God! In this series we explore what faith is, where faith comes from, how to exercise our faith, and much more. The studies for members are in italics.
Fasting may not be a popular topic, but it is a Biblical one! In this short series of studies we will learn what fasting is, the motives and purpose of fasting, as well as the different kinds of fasts the Bible speaks about. The studies for members are in italics.
This series, called ‘Life within the Fellowship’, is teaching for new believers on the importance of fellowship. It explains why we meet, where we meet and what we do together. The topics covered include worship, giving and the Lord’s Supper or Communion.
The Bible speaks of God as a ‘consuming fire’. Fire is a symbol that is also used for the Holy Spirit, and Jesus’ eyes are described as ‘flames of fire’. This series of 4 studies on the ‘Fire of God’ help us understand who God is and what he wants to do in our lives. You will find the studies for members in italics.
What does it mean to live a Godly life? This short series looks at purity, honesty and forgiveness, giving many practical examples to help you apply God’s Word in your life. The studies are written in worksheet style and are suitable to be used in small groups, or for those wishing to study alone.