Written Sermons
Righteousness, justice and truth are the foundations of God’s Throne.  Sadly these qualities are being eroded rapidly in our society.  God is calling us to rise up and pray.
This is a message of hope, based on Isaiah 40:26-31.  In this passage God reveals to his people who he is, and then assures them that he will strengthen them so they can soar like eagles.
There is trouble all around us!  Jesus’ last words before he was crucified are relevant today:  “Let not your heart be troubled.”  He went on to share with his disciples three wonderful promises we explore in this message.
What is happening in the world today?  By looking at the events in the Book of Exodus we see that God understands the big picture, so we need not live in fear, but can trust the outcome to him.
We all treasure God’s promises!  Just as God is faithful to keep his promises to us, we too should keep our word.  This message is based on Paul’s promise that he will visit the believers in Corinth.
How can we build a Godly heritage?  What is the blessing of doing so?  We discover the answer to these questions by looking at the life of Abraham.
What is the significance of the Passover?  This message explains how the unleavened bread, the lamb and the blood were fulfilled by the death of the Lord Jesus.
In 1 John 2 the Apostle John addresses believers as children, then fathers and thirdly as young men.  These words apply to all of us.
We are called to be Christ’s ambassadors.  To fulfil our mission we need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit.  This message teaches us how we can receive this power.
People often confuse the church with the Kingdom of God.  How can we enter the Kingdom and experience the blessings of belonging to God’s Kingdom now?
The focus of this message is the importance of honoring our father and mother.  We will learn how to do this, and the blessing that follows when we do.
Based on 1 Corinthians 1-3 we see three reasons why it is important to honor Jesus above all others, and two words of caution reminding us to keep our eyes on him.
The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  This message seeks to teach the meaning of the fear of the Lord.