Bible Reading:- John 1:35-51
(A series on the Gospel of John – 3)
What an invitation! ‘Come and see’. This is the invitation given by Jesus to Andrew and his friend. They were followers of John the Baptist, but now John is pointing them to Jesus.
The words are simple and yet profound. Jesus is inviting them to come with him. Not only that, he is inviting them to come and see. This little word ‘see’ in the original language means more than just seeing with our physical eyes. Jesus is inviting them to understand and experience who he is and what his presence really means.
When we have met Jesus like this, we long for others to know the difference he makes in our lives. This is what happens. Andrew invites his brother Simon Peter. The following day Philip invites his friend Nathanael. ‘Come and see’.
Although the words Philip uses are the same as Jesus’ words, the meaning is slightly different. He is saying, ‘come and see for yourself.’ Let’s share the stories of how we have experienced Jesus in our lives with others, so they will want to see for themselves.
Nathanael is amazed at the way Jesus seemed to know him. This led to his declaration that Jesus is the Son of God, the King of Israel. His response prompts Jesus to say to those who are following him, that they would see greater things than this. “You shall see heaven open.” The word ‘see’ is the same one Jesus used earlier. It was a promise that they would understand and experience heaven coming to earth.
That promise is for all who believe. Jesus has already opened the way between heaven and earth. We are invited into a relationship with him where we will experience his goodness and grace, his power and glory. ‘Come and see!’